Tuxedo Cafe | Waffles!

26th July 2013.
Do you like waffles?

Tuxedo Cafe offers a pretty good waffle set with butter, maple syrup and berry compote included at just 10.80++ SGD with a choice of coffee or tea included.

The also offer a cake and drink set at 10.80 SGD nett not to forget half-priced pastries and breads after 9 pm.

76 Bras Basah Road
Singapore 189558
Carlton Hotel , First Floor
0700 - 2300 (Sunday - Thursday)
0700 - 2400 (Friday - Saturday)

新加坡卡尔登酒店, 第一层
星期五和星期六 早上7点到凌晨12点


  1. Was there last week. Pleasant and quiet place to have coffee. How was the tuxedo cake?

    1. Hi! It has been a long time since I visited Tuxedo, I remember the chocolate cake was one of the better ones, rich but not too sweet and amazingly moist.


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