A Sweet Merry Christmas from Kanazawa!


Kanazawa, Japan
24th December 2012. Written by Xin Li.
Wow it has been so long since I last updated this blog. Today is a Christmas Day and 1 day left before I return to Korea to board my flight back to Singapore in a couple of days’ time. It is my first winter experience and painfully cold it maybe both Korea and Japan have gorgeous winter scenery.

Creme Brulee

To celebrate Christmas Eve in Japan, I treated myself to a sweet Crème Brulee (787 Yen) at Fusion21 Café at Kanazawa’s 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art. Nicely torched crème brulee, with a rich velvety custard with specks of vanilla and topped with poached pears and a scoop of really good vanilla ice cream…it was an ambrosial combination.

Anyway Merry Christmas to all and have a great time!


Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art


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