Revisiting Dempsey : A Vintage Tea Party

Tanglin Village
Tanglin - Flowers

16th March 2012. Written by Xin Li.
I have read about Barracks long time ago… was a time when food blogging was relatively new and foodies like us drool on those tantalizing images by the pioneers. Our first visit to Dempsey was during Restaurant Week at Zento when Restaurant Week first began but the costly experience did little to bring us back until a few weeks ago.

House@Dempsey - Signage

It was House@Dempsey's Vintage Tea Party (22.00+ SGD) that finally convinced us for a revisit. Given the location and the desire to see this greenhouse-like café since 3-4 years ago, we finally went back to House@Dempsey to celebrate our birthdays (Yew Ann: 15th Feb, Vinleon: 14th Feb, Xin Li: 29th Feb)

House@Dempsey - Buffet

The ambience was excellent (not to mention the weather was great too with plenty of sunlight). I could see a lot of effort has been put into the setting up the décor the high tea, from choice of plates, books to the flowers. It was simply Gorgeous.

House@Dempsey - Cups and Flowers

And it is also one of the few places where the price match up with the service, the waiters were very helpful in trying to get us a table despite not making a reservation beforehand and plates were being changed and cleared without prompting.

House@Dempsey - Cutlery

The atmosphere was rather relaxed too with oldies being played in the background, it is the perfect garden afternoon tea venue.

House@Dempsey - Table
House@Dempsey - Cupcakes

Food wise, I wasn’t expecting much since it was a buffet. It was a pity that there were no real scones available except for these rock-hard biscuit ‘scones’.

House@Dempsey - Bread

There is a variety of bread to choose from and I enjoyed the dips and spread a lot, it is not your usual marmalade, butter and preserves but rather Thai Style Chicken, Tuna and Truffled Mushrooms. That more than compensated for the lack of scones.

House@Dempsey - Dips and Spreads

The pizzas were probably the better tasting items on the buffet line. These are offerings from Skinny Pizza with crust as thin as crisps. I enjoyed the Squid Pizza the most.

House@Dempsey - Skinny (Petite) Pizzas
House@Dempsey - Skinny (Petite) Pizzas

The Caprese pizza was too soggy when it was left on the buffet line for some time.

House@Dempsey - Cheese Platter

There is a small selection of Cheese available such as Brie and Blue Cheese together with fruits and Carrs crackers.

House@Dempsey - Salted Caramel Cupcakes
House@Dempsey - Vietnamese Rice Rolls
House@Dempsey - Squid Pizza

The sweets were generally okay. I enjoyed the Salted Caramel Cupcakes, the Panna Cotta as well as the Opera Cake.

House@Dempsey - Homemade Ginger Tea

There only two kinds of tea being offered for the high tea buffet, one was the flavorful Homemade Ginger Tea while the other is the decaffeinated Loungelizard (peach, apricot, caramel-infused rooibos and cinnamon)

House@Dempsey - Java Swirl

Overall, I am alright with the food since it’s a buffet and at $22.00+ per pax in Dempsey with that fantastic ambience, I thought it was worth it (especially with the company ;) ).

Muthu's Curry

Yew Ann aka Muthu.

Lovely Couple

Dempsey House
8D Dempsey Road
Singapore 249672
6475 7787


  1. Hey!

    This is Cheryl from HOUSE (under the Spa Esprit Group), we recently revamped our Vintage High Tea so you can now expect more variety of sweets and savouries, what more, we change them occasionally so you don’t have to worry about having the same thing each time you come. Price is $30++/pax but if you come dressed to the 1920s, you get an instant 10% off ;)



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