Last Day of 2011

Daily Doodles 3

31st December 2011. Drawn by Xin Li.
New Year’s Day Eve

2012 is finally coming! A leap year!
There has been a lack of updates lately as I was busy with a project (on New Year’s Day Eve and Christmas Day) and my laptop has been behaving strangely.

I shall wrap up this year with a mini-preview of what I am working. Happy New Year!

Daily Doodles 1
Daily Doodles 2
Keppel Harbour, Singapore
Off the Wall Art Event

This was a special year as I have never travelled that much within a year before. Charming Kyoto, scenic Innsbruck, cosmopolitan London….these cities only worsen my wanderlust!

Cathay Pacific
Kyoto, Japan
London Sketches
Innsbruck, Austria


  1. that would make you what...6years old?
    soon you'll be able to make it to Primary school at the ripe age of 7!

  2. to stargirl: Happy New Year! =D

    to Jia Yao: haha!


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