An Encounter with Dreams and Reality : A Pictorial

Dreams and Reality - Entry

111111, Written by Xin Li.
It has been at least two weeks since the Dreams and Reality: Masterpieces of Painting, Drawing and Photography from the Musée d'Orsay, Paris has been running as part of Voilah! The French Festival Singapore.

Dreams and Reality - Spaces

I managed to squeeze a bit time one Friday to explore the exhibition together with my studio mates.

Dreams and Reality - Exhibition

Dreams and Reality - The Card Players

The Cardplayers by Paul Cezanne, (1890 - 1895). Bottom is a detail of Georges Rochergrosse's The Knight of Flowers (Before 1894).

Dreams and Reality

Seeing those works certainly brought back the feeling I had when I was appreciating the works in the Musee d’Orsay.

Dreams and Reality - Angrand

Top: Couple on the Street by Charles Angrand and Bottom:
Box at Opera Comique by Charles Cottet, 1887.

Dreams and Reality - Cottet

Dreams and Reality - Clarin
Dreams and Reality - Cezanne

Digital images such as these over here doesn’t do any justice to the actual works.

Dreams and Reality - The Starry Night

Fortunately, we the paintings here in the National Museum of Singapore, you can finally appreciate the brushstrokes, the colours, the texture and even the scale first hand.

Dreams and Reality - Monet

Dreams and Reality - Madame Cezanne

The exhibition runs from the 26th of October to the 5th of February 2012, 10am to 6pm daily at the National Museum of Singapore. Admission is free for students, 6 SGD for NSFs and 11 SGD for adults.

Dreams and Reality - A Moment


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