Kyoto : Honeybee - Waffles Waffles Waffles!

Honeybee - Seasonal Waffle

20th December 2012.
Kyoto, Japan.
The meal didn’t feel complete without a dessert. After wandering around a bit, we stumbled upon Honeybee, tucked away in one corner in Kawaramachi. The small little café is located on the second storey of a building. Inside, it was clean, contemporary and bright, a contrast to its exterior.

Honeybee - ブラウニーとバナナのワッフル

The café serves a selection of light bites, meals and a variety of sweets, particularly waffles. We had one of their classics which is a Waffle with Brownie and Banana (530 JPY). It is quite a pleaser for chocolate fans, the combination of chocolate and banana never fails anyway. The brownie bits could have been more moist I thought.

Honeybee - 柚子ショコラとレアチーズのワッフル

We also had the Yuzu Chocolate and No-baked Cheesecake Waffle (640 JPY) as we were drawn to the “yuzu” which is actually caramelized slices of yuzu. A rather normal waffle actually but the chocolate sauce seemed to work magic on the waffles, nothing beats decadent, sweet chocolate sauce on hot waffles on a cold winter night.

Honeybee - Seasonal Waffle

Lastly, we had the Apple Waffle with Caramel Sauce (640 JPY), this turned out to be the best among the three waffles. Think of it as a waffle version of a good apple flan with vanilla ice cream…yummy. In general, we enjoyed our waffles here. The batter is a tad dry but hot waffles on a cold weather, I am gratified.

Kawaramachi Branch:
〒604-8033 京都市中京区河原町通蛸薬師上る


Kyoto Station Branch:
〒600-8235 京都市下京区烏丸通塩小路下る東塩小路901番地 京都駅ビル内8F


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