Seoul : Everything Chicken at Yeongyang Center (영양센터)


20th October 2012.
Seoul, South Korea.
Yeongyang Center is a restaurant known for their roast chicken and samgyetang 삼계탕. It opened in 1960 and it has been roasting chickens for more than 50 years by now.

영양센타 - Samgyetang
영양센타 - Samgyetang

I had both the Samgyetang (13000 KRW) and a Baby Chicken (9500 KRW). The Samgyetang was light and slightly bland and the chicken meat was just ordinary. Stuffed within the chicken was glutinous rice which lacked flavour as well. The spring onions kind of dominate the flavour of the already mild flavoured soup too.

영양센타 - Roasted Baby Chicken

The Baby Roast Chicken was slightly better, with crispy skin and it was quite tender but the meat was slightly dry and I definitely had better roasted chicken.

Yeongyang Center

52, Myeongdong 2-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul
서울특별시 중구 명동2길 52 (충무로1가)


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