Kyoto : Udon @ 辨慶 東山店

本家 第一旭 たかばし本店

18th December 2012.
Kyoto, Japan.
For dinner, we dined at 辨慶 東山店, which specializes in noodles. Worry not if you couldn’t figure what the Japanese characters are as they have English menus available.

本家 第一旭 たかばし本店 - Kinoko Udon
本家 第一旭 たかばし本店 - Kinoko Udon

I had the Kinoko Udon which is udon noodles with assorted mushrooms. The soup wasn’t oily at all and it was robust with mushroom flavours. The thick udon noodles wasn’t sticky at all and they were quite springy and slightly elastic.

本家 第一旭 たかばし本店 - Beef Noodles
本家 第一旭 たかばし本店 - Chicken Noodles

Other variations include curry, tempura, beef and chicken etc.

辨慶 東山店
東橋詰町30-3 (五条大橋東入ル), 京都市東山区, 京都府, Japan
30-3 Higashihashizumecho, Higashiyama Ward,
Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan


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