Tasting Baguette through Dealivery.sg!

Baguette - Caramel Glazed Chicken

25th April 2012. Written by Xin Li.
A few days ago, I was approached by Dealivery.sg to try their food delivery. I turned down their offers for a free meal and decided to try their service for myself since it was during the exam period and food delivery is a great alternative to cooking at home or going out to buy food.

Baguette - Lunch

What I liked about Dealivery.sg is that there are no minimum orders, so you could also order a meal just for yourself or a portion for 1 and there are quite a number of restaurants on the list including my favourite Spice Sutra and Baguette which I wanted to try long time ago.

Baguette - Caramel Glazed Chicken

I ordered a Caramel Glazed Chicken which is chicken “bathed in caramel fish sauce” and served with rice. It is probably the Vietnamese version of the chicken rice, except sweeter but the whole dish was quite delish.

Baguette - Chicken in a Cup

Then I ordered the Chicken in a Cup, bad choice as it was essentially the same chicken served I in a cup with their signature pickle that tasted like achar.

Baguette - Caramel Glazed Chicken

The whole meal cost 13.50 SGD and payment can be made easily via Paypal with a VISA or Mastercard card. Easy to use and the delivery came within 40 minutes as promised!

Here is their website:
And here’s Baguette’s website:


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