The Bukit Brown Cemetery : A Green Sanctuary

Lornie Road - Housing

22nd October 2011. Written by Xin Li.

Next to MacRitchie, Beside the Cemetery” is how I introduced where I live.

In probably months or a few years’ time, this cemetery, the Bukit Brown Cemetery might just disappear forever. Having stayed next to it for more than 6 years, I had little knowledge of the place besides it being crowded during Qingming festival (in one instance, a fire almost went out of control until the firefighters came).

Lornie Road - Gate

Bukit Brown Cemetery - Kheam Hock Road

It was only days ago that I finally make the effort to visit this neighbor of mine that has received much hype recently and as a result transformed the cemetery into a sort of place of interest for photographers, architecture students, curious visitors, ang mohs and urban adventurers.

Bukit Brown Cemetery - Kheam Hock Road

Here was what we saw….

Bukit Brown Cemetery - Gateway

We entered from Kheam Hock Road, a stretch of road named after Tan Kheam Hock (1862-1922), a prominent Chinese businessman during the colonial era who was the Municipal Commissioner. He lobbied successfully for the establishment of the Bukit Brown Municipal Cemetery (today’s Bukit Brown Cemetery).

Bukit Brown Cemetery - Main Axis
Bukit Brown Cemetery - Outer Ring Path
Bukit Brown Cemetery - Towards Andrew Road
Bukit Brown Cemetery - Towards Jalan Mashor

Here you find another world where you can find people riding horses and untouched greenery that resembles a route march setting.

Bukit Brown Cemetery - Towards Jalan Mashor

This peaceful sanctuary that has existed next to my home all this while.

Bukit Brown Cemetery - Towards Jalan Mashor

It isolates you from the urban jungle that surrounds Bukit Brown.

Bukit Brown Cemetery - Towards Andrew Road
Bukit Brown Cemetery - Towards Andrew Road
Bukit Brown Cemetery - Towards Andrew Road
Bukit Brown Cemetery - Towards Andrew Road

Simply beautiful, do visit it while you still can.

But remember that this is a cemetery after all, hence show some respect for the graves. I felt uneasy that the Caucasians were walking their dogs around the cemetery, wonder if it’s inappropriate.

Bukit Brown Cemetery
Bukit Timah Trail, Nature Areas


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