2010 : Looking Back at the NS Years

Pulau Tekong, Singapore

31st December 2010. Drawn by Xin Li.
Looking back at 2008-2009.
Throughout my time in National Service, these sketchbooks had accompanied all this while be it outfield, or in parades. Today, on the last day of 2010, I hope to share some of the sketches I have done for the past 1 and half year plus. For the four of us, 2010 had marked the beginning of another chapter in our life. The one year ten months had finally passed. It was bittersweet.

Pasir Laba Camp, Singapore

The round tower is the famous Peng Kang Tower located on top of Peng Kang hill.

Pasir Laba Camp, Singapore

Games Day, Dialogue Sessions and Ninja Vans are just part of the life inside.

Tengeh, Singapore

Off limits to the public, some of the training grounds looked so unfamiliar, almost like overseas.

Lim Chu Kang, Singapore

Pasir Laba Camp, Singapore

Men do cry inside.

Sarimbum, Singapore

Western Singapore

Pulau Tekong, Singapore

Pulau Tekong, Singapore

Pulau Tekong, Singapore


  1. You rounded up your year with what you do best. Nice sketches. I wish I can draw so well like you.

    Nevertheless, may you have a wonderful 2011 ahead :)

  2. i love your sketches! happy new year to you too (:

  3. to Amasou Umasou: thank you (: your photos are great as well. Happy New Year to you!

    to stargirl: thank you! Happy New Year!

  4. Wow your art is pretty good stuff! Gives me quite a nostalgic feel to NS haha!

  5. to dirtystall: heh thanks! it was bittersweet moment. I kind of miss it sometimes.


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