Hokkaido | Herb Hill Furano (ハーブヒルふらの)

6th July 2013
Furano, Hokkaido, Japan
During our visit to Furano and Biei, the group tour include a buffet lunch at the the Furano Herb Hill Viking Restaurant which overlooks the undulating farmlands across the highway. Buffets are rather common on this group tour. Every breakfast is a buffet and quite a number of dinners and lunches too which is alarming given that one doesn’t eat that many buffets in Singapore.

Anyway, besides the view and the opportunity to shop downstairs for lavender related products, the buffet is pretty much standard, with the usual tempura, soba, fried items like croquettes and soups. They have this overwhelmingly thick milk based soup that could clog your arteries, but their pumpkin soup is amazing. They have dimsum too.

Most of our fellow tour mates went for the grilled scallops.

〒071-0500 北海道空知郡上富良野町2222-2
TEL: 0167-45-2534 FAX:0167-45-5127


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