Sapporo | Shirakabasansou (白樺山荘)

6th July 2013.
Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
I always see ramen streets as a tourist place to go but if you want all kinds of ramen at one spot instead of searching for that one ramen shop around the city, then there is the Ganso Sapporo Ramen Yokocho located around the Susukino district of Sapporo. Along the list of some 17 ramen stalls along the Ramen Alley, Shirakabasansou (麺処 白樺山荘) was highly recommended by the tour guide and considered one of the better ones (or closest to local flavour) by my Japanese friends.

The tour guide warned about the salt level of the ramen served here would be too much for the Singaporean palate but both my mum and I thought it was pretty good still. It was with doubt, salty but the oiliness and rich, very flavorful broth and smooth noodles toned down the impact of the saltiness and as a whole turned out to be a rather good bowl of noodles. 

Sapporo Ramen Yokocho
麺処 白樺山荘
営業時間:月~木/AM11:00~翌3:00・金・土/AM11:00~翌4:00  定休日:日曜日

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