Fork and Spoon ,Square 2

26th May 2012. Written by Xin Li

Korean Stall

Fork and Spoon - Korean Food
Fork & Spoon - BBQ Chicken

BBQ Chicken Set from the Korean Stall was disappointing, the chicken was dry and tasteless, there was almost no gravy and they used bean sprouts instead of shredded cabbage.

Disappointing Lunch : 5.00 SGD

Royals - Special Chicken Roll and Mushroom Chicken Pie

I also got the Special Chicken Roll and Mushroom Chicken Pie from the Royals. The Chicken Roll was quite delicious with generous filling and the mushroom chicken pie has a strong mushroom flavour. Both pastries were rather oily and it was seemed to be a slightly soggy on the inside after sitting in the over for a while.

Price: 1.20 SGD each.

Fork and Spoon
Square 2
10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506


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