Hua Fong Kee Roasted Duck | But I had Char Siew Instead

I had a short interview at Creamier for the "Moments of Happiness" exhibition. 
Two of my works are there, including this piece.

Irony being one of my most upsetting moments in life was during this period.
When you feel upset, besides Creamier's ice cream, there is Hua Fong Kee's roast meats to the rescue.
I had dinner there after the interview.

The stall is supposedly famous for roast duck, but I crave for juicy, tender sio bak and char siew.
Hua Fong Kee's roast meats are pretty decent but on the modest side for portions. The sio bak skin could have been more crispy but I like the ratio of fat and meat for the pork belly and the texture's just right. Char Siew's pretty good too.

Hua Fong Kee Roasted Duck
128 Lor 1 Toa Payoh
Singapore 310128


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