ISS Catering : A Pictorial

ISS Catering - Buffet on a Plate

18th June 2011. Written by Xin Li.
Had the opportunity to try ISS Catering at a friend’s birthday party. Here is a pictorial of the food. It was okay and definitely better than Smiling Orchid.

ISS Catering - Buffet Spread

ISS Catering - Tahu Telur with Spicy Sweet Sauce

There are promotions going on for both SAFRA and UOB card members. For UOB debit and credit card users, you get to enjoy their “signature desserts when you spend $300 or $500 on food bill.” (Ends 31st March 2012)

ISS Catering - Buffet on a Plate

SAFRA card holders get to receive vouchers, delivery waiver or discount when you spend more than 300 SGD for your food bill. More details here. (Ends 10th January 2012)

ISS Catering - Tahu Telur with Spicy Sweet Sauce

ISS Catering - Egg with Rice and Fish Fillet with Tomato Concasse

ISS Catering - Teriyaki Chicken

ISS Catering - Fruit Cocktail Jelly

ISS Catering

21 Second Chin Bee Road
Singapore 618780


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