Two Exhibitions for the Architecture Fan

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

11th June 2011, 25th June 2011. Written by Xin Li.
Architecture fans out there, I am quite sure that you must have encountered Richard Roger’s works somewhere before (the real buildings or images of his works).

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

While it is still expensive to travel to see his works up close you could now drop by the URA Gallery before the end of July to see models and drawings by his firm.

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City


Madrid Barajas Airport, Madrid, Spain, 2006 (Operation)

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

The works have been in exhibit since 2007 at the Centre Pompidou, Paris and has since travelled to London, Barcelona, Madrid and Taipei before being exhibited in Singapore, “the first Southeast Asian venue”.

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

New Law Courts, Antwerp, Belgium (1998-2005)

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

National Assembly, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom (2006)

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

You might need to plan at least two visits to this exhibition. The amount of work presented is overwhelming.

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

Millennium Experience, London, England, United Kingdom (1996-1999)

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

Above: Lloyd's of London, London, England, United Kingdom (1978-86), Below: Shanghai Masterplan, Shanghai, People's Republic of China (1992-1994)

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City
21st May 2011 to 23rd July 2011.
Monday – Friday: 8.30 am – 7.00 pm
Saturday: 8.30 am – 4.00 pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.
The URA Centre
45 Maxwell Road

Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the City

Once you are done, why not visit the ongoing exhibition by thesis graduates from NUS Architecture entitled “post-script” held at the Artrium of the MICA building?

post-script  city exhibition 2011

Every city has stories. Our daily lives form the script, and we are the characters. Architecture provides for the dialogue, backdrops, transitions and tones. Every year, students from the department of architecture, NUS, articulate their idea of how the built environment should/could be. Their processes are just as much a part of the story.

post-script  city exhibition 2011

Presentation was slightly unique, scaffoldings were used and there are two raised paths where you could view the models located above the panels.

post-script  city exhibition 2011

post-script  city exhibition 2011

Pity you can’t really see the models up close.

post-script  city exhibition 2011

post-script  city exhibition 2011

Post-script city exhibition 2011
24th June – 28th June 2011
MICA Artrium.

post-script  city exhibition 2011

post-script  city exhibition 2011

post-script  city exhibition 2011

post-script  city exhibition 2011

post-script  city exhibition 2011


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