6th Birthday

6th Birthday!

29th February 2012.

It would probably be a while before I post something new on the blog, it is like hell week(s) at NUS aki again. Why you might ask, the answer you get is nothing different a convenient lan-lan-suck-thumb style of answer : “time management and we are training you for the real world (but at the same time we are not paying you and we are grading you)”

25th February – Satay
25th February - Siew Mai and Crab Dumplings

Alright, enough with the ranting. Due to school, I celebrated my birthday earlier on the 25th February with a buffet reception by Rasel Catering. I must say I am not disappointed by their services and I enjoyed their Nonya Laksa very much. Pity about the new NEA rules though, the 3-hour limit is a real party pooper.

25th February – No.4
25th February - NS Theme

My birthday falls on a leap year, meaning once every four years. 2008- 2012 was a period covering from my national service to travelling days. Part of the afternoon tea set up was this Tekong Corner.

25th February - Japanese Corner
25th February - Japanese Corner with KW Seah's Postcards

The Japanese Corner is decorated with “Japanese” stuff like a maiko figurine I got from Dazaifu, Fukuoka years ago. Featured above are some adorable photographs taken by my secondary school maths teacher, Mr K.W Seah.

25th February - Travel Theme

The dining area was decorated in a travel theme complete with boarding passes and travel magazines.

25th February - Blue Mansion Mock Up and Some Trinkets

The main entrance has architecture models, sketches and ornaments I got from overseas.

25th February - Calvin Huang and Mu Yao's Postcards

But what I am most excited with is the showcasing of photographs and artworks by my friends. Here they are presented in the form of postcards where the guests could take it home and send to your friends (with stamps and envelopes provided ;) )

25th February - Lee Shui Kei's Khoo Kongsi Postcards

Here is another one featuring a traditional media piece by Lee Shui Kei, a talented artist.

25th February - The Aki Studio Game

Some of my friends have a go at the Aki Studio Game.

25th February - Muthu and Mu Yao

The two divas finally get to meet again too.

25th February - French Earl Grey from TWG
25th February - Mizudashi Sencha from Nakamura Tokichi

What is Afternoon Tea without tea, I prepared a few teas on that day itself including some of TWG, Nakamura Tokichi and the Tea House, London and Yu Pin. We enjoyed the Mizudashi Sencha and French Earl Grey alot.

25th February – Cheesecake!

Stayed overnight to prepare this cheesecake as well. Also got some really nice breads from Simply Bread and fragrant Basil Olive Oil from the Little Provence. Wei Xiang is a great baker too, he makes some very tasty White Chocolate Cookies.

25th February - My Nephew

My photogenic nephew :).

Too bad space is limited and so are resources, would like to invite more people to share the love for food, art, photography and tea.


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