Sights at the British Museum

British Museum - Great Hall

9-10th July 2011. Written by Xin Li.
London, United Kingdom.
Continuing from the last post, this is a pictorial featuring the British Museum.

British Museum - Roman Empire (Room 70)

This huge museum has plenty to see hence I recommending leaving at least 1 day for the museum.

British Museum - Greek and Roman life (Room 69)

Due to the immense number of works displayed the museum, you might experience museum-fatigue if you plan to spend the whole day at the museum,

British Museum - Statue from the Nereid Monument

Break up the visit into two days if you can.

British Museum - Parthenon (Room 18)

The famous Elgin marbles.

British Museum - Parthenon (Room 18)

One of the works that caught my eye at the British Museum is a work by Xu Bing featured in a temporary exhibition. Xu Bing's works were also displayed at the first Singapore Biennale. For more information of the work, watch this video here.

British Museum - Xu Bing

British Museum - Xu Bing

The work, entitled Background Story 7 appears to be a tall 5 metres tall Chinese painting but it is in fact shadows created by a mixture of materials as you take a look at the back of the work.

British Museum - Money (Room 68)

If you are lucky there are booths such as these for you to have some hands on time with the artifacts. Featured here is money including Bronze Age Chinese currency as well as modern day banknotes.

British Museum - Money (Room 68)

British Museum - Greek and Roman Gallery

British Museum - Greek and Roman Gallery

British Museum - Greek and Roman Gallery

British Museum - Greek and Roman Gallery

Above: Exhibits from the Greek and Roman Worlds.

British Museum - Japanese Armour

The Japan Gallery is quite small with quite a few of replicas along with actual artifacts and relics. However, there are a few interesting exhibits such as a set of Japanese armor and a clock that belongs to a daimyo (a feudal lord).

British Museum - Daimyo's Clock

Jingdezhen porcelain from China.

British Museum - Chinese Ceramics (Room 95)

Chinese porcelain made for Europeans.

British Museum - Chinese Gallery (Room 33)

British Museum - Enlightenment (Room 1)

The Enlightenment Room introduces the background of the British Museum.

British Museum - Enlightenment (Room 1)

While you are exploring the museum, do look out for this avian visitor of the British Museum as well.

British Museum : Free Admission for All

The British Museum is open daily, 10.00–17.30

Closure of galleries will start 10 minutes before
the published closing time:
Saturday – Thursday, 17.20
Friday, 20.20

The Museum is closed on
1 January, 24, 25, 26 December.

The Great Hall:
Saturday – Thursday, 09.00–18.00
Friday, 09.00–20.30 (except Good Friday)


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