
Takashimaya - Wagashi

29th May 2011. Written by Xin Li.
Kyoto, Japan
One of the more popular souvenirs to bring home from Japan is none other than Japanese confectionary, also known as wagashi 和菓子. These sweets have a long history dating back to the Jomon Period. History aside, there was an exhibition by a group of wagashi stores in Kyoto at Takashimaya. Some of these stores have been in the business since the 1400s.

京銘菓 真味会~京都の和菓子花めぐり~

The exhibition featured beautifully crafted wagashi in the form of bonsai trees, roses, leaves or ‘paintings’.

Takashimaya - 長久堂: [円]

長久堂, Kinuta was founded in 1831, during the late Edo Period.

Takashimaya - 本家尾張屋

本家尾張屋, Honke Owariya, also known for their noodles, dates back to 1465, during the Muromachi Period.

Takashimaya - 総本家駿河屋

総本家駿河屋, Souhonke Surugaya has been churning out wagashi since 1461, during the Muromachi period.

Takashimaya - 三條若狭屋

三條若狭屋, Wakasaya was founded in 1893 during the 26th year of the Meiji Period.

Takashimaya - 笹屋伊織

笹屋伊織, Sasayaiori dates back to 1716, during the Edo period.

Takashimaya - 大原女家:[吹寄せ]

大原女家:[吹寄せ],this was by Oharameya, found in 1897, the 30th year of the Meiji Period.

Takashimaya - 和菓子


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