Showashinzan | Kamameshi Yoshidaya

8th July 2013.
Showashinzan, Hokkaido, Japan.
Kamameshi Yoshidaya is located on the foot of Showashinzan, a young volcanic lava dome that is still actively smoking since 1945. Showashinzan has an interesting history  because before the eruption in 1944-1945, it was a privately owned flat land under a local post master named Masao Mimatsu.  After the eruption, a 398 metres high volcano sprouted on the previously flat land and it is one of the few volcanoes in the world that is on private land. The volcano got its name because it sprang up during the reign of Emperor Hirohito also known as the Showa period.

Kamameshi which means “kettle rice” is a kind of traditional Japanese dish that can be found all around Japan. It is a rice dish cooked in an iron pot and dates back to the late Meiji period. At Kamameshi Yoshidaya, a relatively new restaurant, this dish as served with salmon, prawns,scallops, mushrooms etc.

Also served along the kamameshi were a Grilled Scallop with butter, a small Tofu Hot Pot and Udon. It was a very filling meal and I enjoyed the kamameshi, it was like a lighter, healthier version of the claypot rice. In fact, the whole meal was rather simple and light in its flavour profile. Pity its summer if it would have been awesome during the cooler seasons.



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