The Arcadia | A Taste of the Yesteryears

4th April 2015.
The next few weeks would be some of the most stressful and busy weeks in my uni life. As a result, this blog would be quiet for a while again. Many things have happened in the past few weeks including the passing of a centennial figure. His passing symbolized the end of an era in Singapore and brought back several memories when I was a child.

This reminded me of a really nostalgic meal I had at a relatively unknown restaurant tucked away at the Arcadia. The spartan and modest looking restaurant serves tze char meal  that reminded me of a bygone era in the 1990s like the Oasis or East Coast restaurant during the once-in-a while family dinners.

Claypot Beancurd | Okay.
There was the Claypot Beancurd, a rich and sodium-laden stew of beancurd and scallions to go with rice.

French Beans | Excellent.
Instead of the clean versions I had. This came with spicy gravy somewhat like belachan and mixed with minced pork. It is also unapologetically oily but very tasty like the good old times.

Pork Chops | Excellent.
Yummy, sweet and sour, tender pork chops with a crispy batter and topped with fresh onions.

Perhaps it was the environment, the cutlery and that relatively tranquil setting that reminded me of those dinners at the Oasis or East Coast I had when I was a child. The Arcadia is seemingly unhindered by the less oil, less gravy that has since changed the flavours of the food at some of the old timers. Hence, I this particular quality and carefree attitude towards their food also brought back a great deal of nostalgia for me and in a pleasant way. I made me miss the casual dinners I had with my late uncle and my family.

Like the dinners in the past, we ended the meal with a bowl of Almond Jelly with Longan.

The Arcadia Restaurant
251A Arcadia Road
Singapore 289848


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