Kyoto : Keibunsha Ichijoji Shop | 恵文社一乗寺店

18th December 2014.
Kyoto, Japan
Located near Ichijoji Station in the northern part of Kyoto is one of the world’s top bookshops according to the Guardian in UK. It is also highly recommended by one of the people behind Grassroots Bookshop.

The Keibunsha Ichijoji Bookshop (恵文社一乗寺店) has a beautiful quaint interiors and sells many design and art related books, some of which are out-of-print including an early SANAA architecture publication which they designed by themselves.

The bookshop has a Cottage at the back where visitors could have coffee or tea as well. A pity it was closed by the time we visited the bookshop. Besides this beautiful bookshop, Ichijoji is also known for its host of many highly rated ramen shops serving different styles of ramen.

What makes Keibunsha special despite it being a chain is its careful selection of books that is meant to encourage meaningful and interesting encounters while browsing through its selection. 

This Kyoto Ichijoji branch could be easily reached via foot from Ichijoji station on the Eizan Railway Line (which requires you to transfer at from the Keihan Demachiyanagi Station to the Eizan Demachiyanagi Station, a return trip from Demachiyanagi station to Ichijoji station cost 420 Yen)  or via some buses covered under the 1-Day Bus Pass.

Keibunsha Ichijoji Shop
10 Ichijoji Haiden-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
10:00-22:00 (except end & beginning of the year)


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