Sapporo | Miyanomori (宮之森)

7th July 2013.
Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
Jingisukan or Genghis Khan is actually a kind of dish in Japan. It is also the name of a chain of restaurants specializing in that dish. The dish is so named because the grill resembled the helmet of a Mongolian soldier and it was thought that Mongolian soldiers cook mutton on their helmets. True or not, it is one of the dishes recommended in Hokkaido because there are several sheep farms in Hokkaido.

While mutton is normally used for this BBQ-cum-stir-fry dish, several members in the tour group do not consume mutton and alternatives like pork and chicken are available as well. The Chan Brothers Hokkaido Passion tour includes lunch at a Jingisukan restaurant named Miyanomori located in Sapporo which is located near the Nijuyonken Station on the Tozai Line.

Basically you use the pork fat provided to grease the grill and then pile the vegetables on it first followed by the meat above. Then stir-fry it a bit followed by some seasoning like soy sauce and some dips for the meat and vegetables. There was nothing good or bad about this meal, its all up to you. That aside, I enjoyed the crab soup a lot.

〒063-0803 札幌市西区24軒3条7丁目2-39


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