Otaru | Le Tao Cheese Cake Lab

5th July 2013.
Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan
Otaru is supposedly known for its pastries and confectionaries as well and there is a cluster of such shops around Sakaimachi. Our tour guide told us that Le Tao chocolates are more popular than Royce chocolates here. Besides chocolates, Le Tao also have a number of shops specializing in cakes to chocolates around Sakaimachi.

My mum and I decided to have cakes at the Le Tao  Cheese Cake Lab (ルタオ チーズケーキ ラボ) Despite its 3.17 rtabelog rating, I though the cheesecakes here are rather decent. We got the Lab Special (840 JPY) which includes two of their signature cheesecakes (Original and Chocolate) and a seasonal cheesecake as well as a cup of coffee.  Their seasonal cheesecake is a Coffee Cheesecake. You would enjoy their cheesecakes if you like a heavier milk flavour and a richer flavour. However, I thought they could be smoother.

ルタオ チーズケーキ ラボ



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