Random Drawings for the Nation's Birthday


9th August 2012. Drawn by Xin Li.
Happy National Day!
I shall save the reflections and go straight to the sketchpad, hope you enjoy the little random sketches I made for National Day (:


Exams, you can’t get away from it in Singapore.


Sir Stamford Raffles, the official founder of Singapore still leaves his name everywhere on the island from private schools to hospitals.


CCA anyone?


You definitely must have seen these guys around.

Chicken Rice

I love Chicken Rice, I will sure miss it once I am away from Singapore, it is always the first thing I had when come back from an overseas trip.


Satay is a delicious treat too. Where can you find really good satay?

Coffeeshop Philosophers

Just like the French got their salon and British got their gentlemen clubs, Singaporeans (and Malaysians) got their kopitiams.

Teh Tarik

And these discussions of anything from where to get the best durian or tau sar piah to politics are best enjoyed with a really good glass of teh tarik.

Food Blogging

I personally think, our country, given its size and population has one of the highest density of food bloggers, a testimony to the nation’s favourite hobby.

Book Out Loh!

And good food is always one thing that we look forward to when we get to book out. Yew Ann would pine for his Carl’s Junior Burgers when in camp.

Special Operations

On such a holiday, you definitely see a lot more of these guys around Marina Bay.

Big Brother
Summon Auntie

Hopefully less of these for drivers.


But do understand that these people burn a public holiday (aka rest day) to keep the country running
"The Cunning Use of Flag"

And it is not only those in the civil service. Wherever Singapore is today, it is undeniably, the result of everyone’s effort since its beginning of its history.

Raffles Hotel

Like the many pioneers now buried at Bukit Brown, they too once played a part in the creation of Singapore.

Bukit Brown

The nation is now 47 years old and for that span of 47 years, this tiny island has changed a lot.

Bananas by Keppel Bay

A different set of challenges now face the country, how would we tackle it?

On the MRT

A few more years down the road, what will we recognize as Singaporean?

Terminal 1

Not the sight of this bag I hope, though it is kind of amusing.


Or is it one of these icons?


There are no absolute answers. But in the meantime, have a meaningful and enjoyable National Day Weekend! It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to celebrate the country birthday, you could use it to spend some time with your family or friends or take some time off your busy schedule and enjoy something you really like!

Big Bird


  1. So you were a Hwa Chong boy?

    Love your sketches as always :)

  2. to Amasou Umasou:

    heh I'm not (:, drew that because I thought of Liang Wei, he's an active HCI scout.

  3. Nice drawings! The one with the chicken rice makes me smile.

    Out of curiosity, when it said 'the most popular bag in Singapore' did it mean backpacks or a specific brand?
    I went to Taipei for school and in touristy areas, every time I saw Asian people with Crumpler bags, chances are they are Singaporeans.

  4. heh its actually a bag issued by the army by D&G, a very durable bag. Used to be olive green but now its pixelized camo. The guys often use it outdoors in Singapore or during overseas trip.


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