One Moose Takes a Break

Birds at Kampung Temasek

27th May 2012. Written by Xin Li.
It has been 2 years of fun since I started blogging with the4MOOSE, sharing gourmet experiences, meeting fellow food enthusiasts, gaining insights from chefs and self-taught cooks, savouring a myriad of flavours, aromas, sounds, visuals and textures from all kinds of food…

Over the past 2 years, I have shared my first encounters (and love) of Kyoto, the news of the first two Singaporeans to clinch the Berkeley PRIZE Essay Competition, the NS reflection by Mu Yao, the insights from Chef Millar at One Rochester or Chef Derick and Chef Ratha from Dezato and Black Sheep Café respectively or a delicious find in Singapore or Hong Kong… all of which I thought were worth sharing even it has been a tasting session (a controversial topic, my views are similar to what Peter has wrote about the topic.)

This blog has been and has always been a realm of personal expression, a platform for sharing my encounters with food, my love for art and travels for the past 2 years. However, fatigue has caught up with me. The competiveness, the dominantly solo journey, the possibility of strained friendships, the politics in food blogging is draining the life out of me. Therefore, I have decided to take a break from blogging and focus on the stuff I love.

I hope you have enjoyed the past two years of travels, food, art and photography that I have brought you and thank you very much for your support. While am going to take a break from blogging, the4MOOSE will still be here except it will be the3MOOSE now.

Do browse through the blogs in my blogroll some of which are my favourite blogs such as Camenberu, Yumyumformytumtum (a truly honest blog) and a new blog by a friend, the Study of Nomnoms.


  1. I'll miss your posts Xinli. There're no politics in food blogging as long as you focus on what you initially wanted to share with your readers when you first started out. There're no strained friendships either, only new ones made. Do reconsider your decision. I hope you're still blogging away at Pok Pok and away. Your travel blog is a great read. I really enjoy it very much.

  2. Xinli, I hope your break wouldn't be too long, as I will definitely be missing your writeups during this period. Your travel experiences are amazing and though I haven't got the chance to put the europe ones to good use, I am definitely bookmarking them for future.

    Have a good rest and see how you can make this blog less tiring for you. Competition and politics won't exist if you don't give a shit about them. (Crude it may sound, works for me)

    Don't go AWOL ah!

  3. While this is sad to hear, I do hope you have a good break with the things you love. Your sketches are amazing.

  4. to ice:
    Thank you very much for compliments =). I would still blog perhaps in the future, just want to take a break from all the blogging for now. I would update Pok Pok and Away when I have the time, I so want to post about Melaka.

    to Daniel:
    Haha, don't worry I won't go AWOL, just clearing a block leave haha! Pity my Hong Kong and Guangzhou trip didn't realize in the end, your blog would be such as great guide to dining in Hong Kong.

    to Jean:
    Heh, glad you enjoy the sketches =). Yeap, finally taking a break after 2 years.

  5. Xinli, Don't take too long a hiatus okay! In the meantime, I'll love to hear more about the trip that you're planning to go on - sounds awesome!

  6. Hi Xinli! I'll miss your posts. Sniff. I'll be waiting 'till your next write up. Take care buddy!


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