Moment and Eternity by Shinji Ohmaki

Moment & Eternity - Hermes Detail

19th April 2012. Written by Xin Li.
Hermès, easily recognized by its signature orange boxes featuring a Duc carriage with a horse logo is a high fashion house based in Paris and dates back to 1837.

Moment & Eternity - Hermes Stairs

Besides providing high-end luxury goods ranging from clothing to fine china, the Hermès Group has also created the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès since April 2008 which aims to support art by exhibiting art in the six Hermès exhibition spaces worldwide including the Third Floor in Singapore (literally on the third floor of the Hermès shop at Liat Towers in Orchard.)

Moment & Eternity - Front

From 20th April to 3rd June, the Third Floor at Hermès at Liat Towers will feature contemporary Japanese artist, Shinji Ohmaki’s work Moment and Eternity. The work is a large scale piece filling up the exhibition space of Third Floor with motif of flowers and floral patterns evoking the imagery of patterns of a Japanese kimono.

Moment & Eternity - Detail

His work transformed the exhibition space into a kind of kaleidoscope and invites the audience to step in and walk around the space providing you the opportunity to experience art as if you have stepped into another world like entering Wonderland or Narnia.

Moment & Eternity - Shinji Ohmaki

The work seemed to be a development if not continuation of his previous work of the same pattern also known as the Echoes – Infinity series which has been exhibited at the Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art and the Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto in 2005, 2007 and 2009 respectively.

Moment & Eternity - Onlookers

This installation piece was set up by Programme Director Emi Eu, the Director of the Singapore Tyler Print Institute.

Moment & Eternity - Sketch 1
Moment & Eternity - Sketch 2
Moment & Eternity - Sketch 3
Moment & Eternity - Sketch 4

The opening ceremony was packed with people on the private opening, not the best of times to view the work I guess =/.

The exhibition will last from [ 20th April to 3rd of June | 10.30 AM to 7.30 PM ] and the artist himself would be giving a talk on the 21st of April, this coming Saturday at 2 PM and the admission is free.

541 Orchard Road, Liat Towers
Third Floor - Hermès

official website:

Fondation d’entreprise Hermès
official website:

Shinji Ohmaki
official website:


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