EC80 : The Ride to Munich

Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof

17th July 2011. Written by Xin Li.
Innsbruck, Austria to Munich, Germany
We decided to drop by Munich for a short day trip where we would board a train bound for Venice. The train ride turned out to be one of the longest ever.

EC80 - Some Fresh Air

As it was summer, seats are in shortage, if you are not fast enough or have made any seat reservations, expect to stand with your luggage for the whole ride.

EC80 - Onboard

As we crossed the border from Austria to Germany, we encountered a security check by Germany plain clothes officers. It was quite an uneasy experience.

EC80 - Approaching

I enjoyed riding trains overseas since such journeys on trains are now impossible in Singapore now that the railway station at Tanjong Pagar is now closed. For the journey to Munich, we had the opportunity to see the Bavarian countryside. Simply stunning.

EC80 - Fields
EC80 - Sticking Out
EC80 - Layers
EC80 - Majesty

The train journey from Innsbruck to Munich took about 2 hours and cost about 24 Euros. It is possible to book them on the DB Bahn Website, a very useful website if you plan to travel around Germany on rail. Another website that I always refer to for traveling on rail is the Man in Seat 61.


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