Voilah! French Festival Singapore 2011

18th October 2011. Written by Xinli and Vinleon

The 4th installment of Voilah! is back! From October 25th to December 15th 2011, experience French culture via Art, Cinema, Dance, Music, Literature, Gastronomy, Sports and Fashion.

Voilah! 2011 officially kicks off with the prestigious Dreams & Reality - Masterpieces of Painting, Drawing & Photography, Musee d'Orsay, Paris with over 140 pieces from Monet, Millet, Ingres, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Gauguin and more.

There are about 20 events bringing French culture to you, so find out more about Voilah! French Festival at www.voilah.org.sg

P/S: Voilah! is part of a bigger event that is going to take place. Encore! European Season, a year-long event, would be in Singapore for its forth edition, so stay tuned for more!


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