Dining bar and café haco

Nara 奈良

13th December 2010. Written by Xin Li.
Nara, Japan
Since it was our last night in Japan, we wanted to have something nice in Nara for dinner. We visited this place called Dining Bar and Café haco, a stylish bar cum restaurant with a very dimly lit interior. Our seats were in this boxes where there is this string that you could pull in order to get the waiter’s assistance.

Dining Bar and Cafe haco - Menu

The downside of this place is that there is no English menu, so YY and I had to try to figure out what is on the menu with the help of guidebooks and his basic Japanese. However, it was not too difficult to figure what is on the menu.

Dining Bar and Cafe haco - 国産鶏モモ肉の黒ビール衣のフリット

I had a 国産鶏モモ肉の黒ビール衣のフリット (1080 Yen). The chicken used here is a locally bred chicken. The chicken thigh skin was very crispy, almost to a crackling texture with a hint of lemon. The meat was very tender, flavorful and moist and it was served with a cheese-based sauce. The whole dish was appetizing.

Dining Bar and Cafe haco - 豚の角煮 バルサミコ風味

YY had a 豚の角煮 バルサミコ風味 (880 Yen) which is Braised Pork topped with sweet tasting shaved onions. The pork was very succulent. It flakes off nicely and was very tender and juicy. The balsamic sauce was sweet and sour with spicy tones.

Dining Bar and Cafe haco - Storefront

The portion was quite small and hence rather expensive for dinner. Lunch would be more affordable with prices around 850 Yen for a main course.

Dining Bar and Cafe haco
ダイニングバーアンドカフェ ハコ


0742-24-8508 (お問合せ専用番号)

林小路町23 いそかわビル2F

[月~木] 11:00~25:00 [金・土・祝前日]11:00~27:00 Dinner&BarTime 17:00~


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